Air-conditioning maintenance is a necessary part of a home’s life. It not only keeps your home comfortable, but it also keeps you warm in the winter and cool in the summer. But how do you know when it’s time to call in the professionals?
The most obvious sign that your air conditioner’s compressor needs maintenance is an uncomfortable feeling. The air in your room seems to be hot or cold depending on the temperature that you set on your thermostat. If you have tons of questions, we encourage you to call this air conditioner service company located in Penang.
This usually means that the filters are clogged or the filter cartridges are leaking. If the condition does not improve, you should replace the filters. You may also notice that your air conditioner’s compressor is leaking. It is not uncommon for some of these leaks to become larger as the air-conditioner is running.
This means that you are dealing with a bigger problem than you originally thought. Before your furnace or air conditioner is fixed, you should take a closer look at your air conditioning system.
The air conditioner’s compressor is made up of three parts: the blower motor, the condenser coil, and the condenser itself. Your air conditioner’s compressor is a moving part, so it has to be checked periodically. It is not unusual for condenser coils to develop cracks, so it’s a good idea to inspect this part regularly.

If your air conditioner’s motor has stopped working, you may have to wait for the next season before you can get it replaced. The motor is a very delicate piece of equipment. It can break, freeze, or even explode if there is any kind of defect.
If you have an electrical appliance in the room, it is advisable to call a professional immediately to ensure that it will not blow up. An air conditioner’s condenser coil can wear out over time, because of heat damage. You can check your coil by turning your air conditioner on and off for about five minutes.
If you notice any signs of wear and tear, you should replace the coil. If it fails, you can purchase new ones at any local appliance store. You can clean your air conditioner’s filters yourself, but this may require more work than it is worth. Using an air conditioner cleaner or ammonia cleaner will not work.
This is because filters contain dust and particles that will irritate the air in your room. A professional will be able to clean the filters properly and remove any dust or debris that may be in them.
Regularly cleaning your air conditioner’s compressor and condenser coils will keep them in good working order. These two parts of your system are the ones that can cause the most problems if they are not maintained properly. Do not wait until the air in your room gets too hot or cold before you check them.
This may mean that you should call in an expert to do a more thorough air-conditioning maintenance. You can also use an ammonia cleaner on your air conditioner’s condenser coils. These types of cleaners are typically used on electronic equipment. While ammonia can remove dirt and debris from the coils, it is not recommended to use it on the condenser.
A good air-conditioning service will also recommend that you clean out the ductwork in your home. Sometimes this is referred to as ‘piping’. When the air that enters the room has particles and dust in it, this will create a dusty, bad odor in the air. This will prevent you from breathing effectively and lead to health problems like asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. a
If the ductwork is clogged, you can get a professional to remove these obstructions. The plumbers can remove the pipes, put new ones in, or you can try vacuuming the pipes on your own. If you decide to clean them yourself, make sure you wear a mask and gloves.
Asbestos fibers can be inhaled in large amounts, and this may cause cancer. Your air conditioning system can last for many years without getting any type of repair, but you will need to take some care of its ductwork.
Air conditioning maintenance can keep your unit operating properly, and you’ll never know when a problem is going to occur. When you start seeing signs of wear and tear, contact a professional.